View Profile
Required Info
First Name | Andrew |
Display Name | |
Age | 74 years, 5 months ago |
Location | |
Nearest Big City | |
Sexual Identity | |
Sexual Orientation | |
Gender Identity | |
Anything Special You'd Like To Say | A child of God, often confused by Victorian values, imprinted in my upbringing, my own feelings and transposing both those against my Christian beliefs and understanding. |
Preferred Pronoun |
Optional Info
Education | Grammar School. Had a mental breakdown at 17 and left my studies and lost 6 months of my life. Did French and German at College but found the strain of work and studies too much. Did Computer Programming – COBOL – IN 1977/8. |
Work | Spent the last 25 years of my working life, up to age 59, as Office Manager, in a medium size privately owned firm. |
Hobbies and Interests | Reading, my cat, ANY cats, interesting TV programs and films, music, radio. |
Pets, Children, Grandchildren | I have been owned, since 1975, give or take a few days, by a succession of gorgeous cats. All have taken special parts of my heart. All have given me comfort, in trying times. And all have captivated me, and captivate me still, with their enigmatic presence. My current moggie is a very dark coloured, semi long haired, tortoiseshell cat, called Biscuit. |
Faith / Denomination | Methodist by upbringing, free church by choice but can still enjoy a structured Anglican service. |
Relationship Status | Single. Very single. VERY single. |
Degree of "Outness" | I do not flaunt my sexuality. Those that know me, know. |
Seeking Friends or Dating
I Am Seeking | |
Height | 5ft 8ins |
Weight | 120kgs |
Hair | Dark brown, all my own, natural colour. Slightly greying at the temples. |
Facial Hair | Trimmed beard and moustache |
Race | White Caucasian |
Ethnicity (cultural origin) | English |
Languages Spoken | English, some French. |
Disabilities | I use a walking stick, out of the house. |
Smoker | Never |
Alcohol Habits | Teetotal |
Drugs | Never |
Tatoos or Piercings | None |
Anything Special You'd Like To Share | I’m me. |